Metatags For SEO
In this 5-minute small business class online, you’ll learn how to write metatags (title tags and metatag descriptions) for your small business website.
Cost: Free
Recommended Pre-Requisite Classes: How To Do Search Engine Optimization
Instructor: Jennifer Croft
Please note: You may have to raise the volume on your computer or phone to be able to clearly hear the video.
In this 5-minute, online class, you’ll learn about title tags and metatag descriptions and the role they play in SEO (search engine optimization). You’ll find out how to write effective title tags for the pages on your website, and how title tags can boost your SEO. You’ll also learn how to write effective metatag descriptions, ones that will entice visitors to click through to your website.
Related Classes
Here are other small business classes online that relate to Metatags For SEO:•Intro To SEO
•How To Do Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
•Keyword Research For SEO
•Links Building For SEO
•Writing For SEO
The following small business worksheet will be helpful for you to use:•Marketing Plan – 1 year
Next Steps
After taking this class, here are some good next steps you can take:•Make sure that there’s a place in the CMS system of your website to place custom title tags and custom metatag descriptions. If not, ask your web developer to add a plug-in for SEO (such as Yoast or All In One SEO).
•Write custom title tags for all of the pages of your website.
•Write custom metatag descriptions for all of the pages of your website.